Matrix Audio Mix [Legacy] (USER MODULE)

A matrix module dedicated to audio mix.

Legacy module. Please use audio-mix-matrix.

Cells values of the matrix are contained in a array row by row, and represent the mix gain from audio in to audio out.

Different mouse mode are available to interact with cells.

Query System

Max inputs/outputs means how many inlets (rows) and outlets (columns) the module will have. Also for captions in, captions out and colors inlets.

The number of inputs, outputs, captions, colors depends of the query system.



Audio input to mix.


Mixed audio output.

caption in

Caption associated to the audio input (row).

caption out

Caption associated to the audio output (col).

nb audio in

Number of visible rows for the matrix.

from 1 to max rows (from the query system), default max rows.

nb audio out

Number of visible cols for the matrix.

from 1 to max rows (from the query system), default max columns.

mouse mode

Mouse interaction mode with cells

  • toggle : mouse click toggle the cell value to 0 or cell draw val
  • fade : mouse move (up/down) shift the cell value between 0 and cell draw val
  • draw : mouse move
  • lock : the matrix is mouse locked, no mouse interaction
  • edit : the matrix is mouse locked, but last click col, last click row and last click sel event are fired
  • default : toggle

cell draw val

Precision coefficient for the mouse interaction with cells.


Sets cells to random values.

  • in fade mode : between 0 and cell draw val.
  • other mode : 0 or cell draw val.


Resets all cells to the reset val value.

random coverage

Amount of randomization, from 0, no randomization to 1, all is randomized.

last click cell

Last cell index clicked.

last click col

Last cell column clicked.

last click row

Last cell row clicked.

cells val

Input array to populate the matrix cells.

the cells values should be in the range [0..1]

cells out

Output array containing the matrix cells values.

saved in preset

Determines if parameters of this object are saved in the preset-panel.

fade preset

Parameters of the this object can cross faded when you recall a preset in the grid.

Optional setting, does not appear on all objects.

can be randomized

When ON, this object will be randomized when using the randomize command of its patch.

can be reset

When ON, this object will be reset to its default value when using the reset command of its patch.


Hint text displayed on mouse over.

See also

version 5.2.221206

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