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Usine Objects in SDK

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Usine Objects in SDK

Post by sm_jamieson » 28 Dec 2022, 15:46

I notice no changes have been made to the SDK for a number of years.
One thing that would be very useful.
If Usine Objects (GetObject, SetObject, etc) was added to the SDK.
Currently it is only available in a script.


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Post by senso » 15 Jan 2024, 10:40

The next major release of Usine and the SDK will have a complete set of UsineObjects procedures:

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/// @name Usine Objects functions 
/// @{

/// Set the float value of an Usine-Object
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetFloat(AnsiCharPtr name, TPrecision floatValue) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetFloat(m_moduleInfo, name, floatValue); };

/// Set the integer value of an Usine-Object
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetInteger (AnsiCharPtr name, int integerValue) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetInteger(m_moduleInfo, name, integerValue); };

/// Set the float value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetArray(AnsiCharPtr name, int index, TPrecision floatValue) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetArray(m_moduleInfo, name, index, floatValue); };

/// Set the Midi value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetMIDI (AnsiCharPtr name, int index, TUsineMidiCode midiValue) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetMIDI(m_moduleInfo, name, index, midiValue); };

/// Set the color value of an Usine-Object 
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetColor (AnsiCharPtr name, TUsineColor colorValue) {
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetColor(m_moduleInfo, name, colorValue); };

/// Set the color value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetArrayColor (AnsiCharPtr name, int index, TUsineColor colorValue) {
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetArrayColor(m_moduleInfo, name, index, colorValue); };

/// Set a trigger value of an Usine-Object
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetTrigger (AnsiCharPtr name) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetTrigger(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Set the text value of an Usine-Object
inline void sdkUsineObjectSetAnsiChar(AnsiCharPtr name, AnsiCharPtr v) {
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetAnsiChar(m_moduleInfo, name, v); };

/// Get the float value of an Usine-Object
inline TPrecision sdkUsineObjectGetFloat (AnsiCharPtr name) { 
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetFloat(m_moduleInfo, name);};

/// Get the integer value of an Usine-Object 
inline int  sdkUsineObjectGetInteger(AnsiCharPtr name) { 
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetInteger(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Get the float value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline TPrecision sdkUsineObjectGetArray(AnsiCharPtr name, int index) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetArray(m_moduleInfo, name, index); };

/// Get the Midi value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline TUsineMidiCode sdkUsineObjectGetMIDI(AnsiCharPtr name, int index) { 
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetMIDI(m_moduleInfo, name, index); };

/// Get the color value of an Usine-Object
inline TUsineColor sdkUsineObjectGetColor(AnsiCharPtr name) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetColor(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Get the array value of an Usine-Object array at the index position
inline TUsineColor sdkUsineObjectGetArrayColor(AnsiCharPtr name, int index) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetArrayColor(m_moduleInfo, name, index);};

/// Get the text value of an Usine-Object
inline AnsiCharPtr sdkUsineObjectGetAnsiChar(AnsiCharPtr name) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetAnsiChar(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Get the size of the Event associated to an Usine-Object
inline int sdkUsineObjectGetLength(AnsiCharPtr name) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectGetLength(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Set the size of the Event associated to an Usine-Object
inline void        sdkUsineObjectSetLength(AnsiCharPtr name, int l) { 
	m_masterInfo->UsineObjectSetLength(m_moduleInfo, name, l); };

/// Returns the list (as a comma-text) of all Usine-Objects that match with the name parameter
inline AnsiCharPtr sdkUsineObjectFind(AnsiCharPtr name) {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectFind(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Returns TRUE if the Usine-Objects exists
inline LongBool sdkUsineObjectExists   (AnsiCharPtr name) { 
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectExists(m_moduleInfo, name); };

/// Returns the Hash of all	Usine-Objects. This allows to determines if the list of all the Usine-Objects has changed.
inline AnsiCharPtr sdkUsineObjectListHash() {
	return m_masterInfo->UsineObjectListHash(m_moduleInfo);	};

/// @}

Posts: 521

Post by sm_jamieson » 01 Feb 2024, 09:56

Great. I'll try it out when I get the time.

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