Output MIDI

Sets the MIDI output of the patch.


midi out

MIDI flow.


MIDI channel of the message.


Sysex array (data of byte) to send.

Usine adds automatically a BEGINSYSEX at the beginning and ENDSYSEX at the end of the byte array.

once in poly

Determines if the module inlet/outlet appears only once in polyphonic sub-patches, or if it is duplicated according the polyphony value.

Available only when the module is in a sub-patch.

Example with a knob. First once in poly is OFF,(a polyphony of 6 creates 6 inlets) then option once in poly is ON and creates only 1 inlet.

The actual data type of a once in poly node is similar to an array. Once inspected you can see that it is an array the length of the nb of polyphony selected for that specific sub-patch. Although an array in data-type, once in poly disguises it's data representation and only addresses the first index by masking as a single-data node.

in outlet visible

Determines if the module is visible as an in/outlet in the subpatch.

See also

version 5.2.221206

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