Control Listbox Buttons

Displays a list of items as a list or a combo box.

list box

list box button

combo box

Each items is entered on a separate line, for example


In this case, the output value is equal to the selected item order starting by zero.

  • if A selected then out = 0
  • if B selected then out = 1
  • if C selected then out = 2
  • if D selected then out = 3
  • etc

But you can also set a particular value for each item using the following syntax:


In this case

  • if A selected then out = 23
  • if B selected then out = 65
  • if C selected then out = 12
  • if D selected then out = 7

When the option items are images is enabled, the list is considered as images file names list and the listbox displays items as images.

This module appears in sub-patches as inlet or outlet.



Value of the listbox.


Displayed caption of the object. Click to enter a new name.


Current text of the selected item.

comma text

Input to set the items list with a comma-text string.


Selects the previous item in the list.


Selects the next item in the list.


Randomizes values or positions.

reset value

Reset value applies when the reset button is pressed or when the user does a [ctrl+click].


Resets all the values of the selected object.

It resets to the reset value value for controls and to their default values for panels.

item to add

String input for the add item command.

add item

Adds the string item to add to the list of items.

insert item

Inserts the string item to add into the list of items before the current selected position.

delete item

Deletes the selected items.


Clears (removes) all items.

move up

Moves the selected items one position up.

move down

Moves the selected items one position down.

scroll up

Moves the scroller one position up.

scroll down

Moves the scroller one position down.

num elements

Gives the number of elements in the list.


Current list. Click to edit, use the OK button to validate.


Hint text displayed on mouse over.

display bitmaps

You can use a list/combo box to display a list of bitmaps.

activate the items are images option

In the list of items, enter a list of images.

If images are outside the Usine's folder (or outside the package on OSX), enter absolute paths for image files.

Inside the folder or package, no path necessary: list of images

Outside the folder or package, use absolute paths: list of images

example for a combobox

example for a listbox

saved in preset

Determines if parameters of this object are saved in the preset-panel.

fade preset

Parameters of the this object can cross faded when you recall a preset in the grid.

Optional setting, does not appear on all objects.

can be randomized

When ON, this object will be randomized when using the randomize command of its patch.

can be reset

When ON, this object will be reset to its default value when using the reset command of its patch.

set only if has changed

When ON, the input has a built in flow-pass-if-changed on the input. So the module is affected only if the input value has changed.

Other Settings


background color

Background color of the control.

transparent option must be OFF.

Blue background color example.


Determines if the background of the control is transparent or not.

Example, the first module is transparent.

hilited color

Background color when the control is modified by a remote (MIDI,OSC,etc.).

image file

Optional Filename of the background image.

Only PNG, JPEG and BMP formats are supported.

Use [ctrl+click] to reset.

Example on an panel-xy-pad.

fit size

Force the image file to adapt its displayed size to the size of the object.

  • proportional: the image keeps its proportion ratio and is left aligned,
  • scaled: the image is scaled to the object size,
  • original: keeps the original size
  • clipped: the image is clipped to the object size, and centered,
  • scaled: the image is scaled to the object size taking into account the border-size of the control.


bitmap in

Background bitmap input.

Use [CTRL + Click] to reset the input.

bitmap out

Background bitmap output.


show border

Displays or not the border of the control.

8 pixels border on an panel-xy-pad.

border width

Sets the border width of the control in pixel.

8 pixels border on an panel-xy-pad.

border color

Border color of the control.

a yellow border on an panel-xy-pad.

border OFF color

Border color when the control is OFF.

a black OFF border on a switch.

border ON color

Border color when the control is ON.

a white ON border on a switch.

round size

Thickness of rounded corners.

0 = no rounded corners.

Example on a panel-shape.

don't draw selection border

Enables or disables the drawing of a border when the control is selected with the mouse.


show caption

Displays or not the caption.

Example on a fader.

caption align

Caption alignment of the control, left, center or right.

caption V align

Vertical alignment of the caption, center, top or bottom.

Example on knob: Center, top and bottom.

Example on switch.

caption font size factor

Size multiplication factor applied to the caption font.

Example on switch.

caption font

Font name of the control caption.

Example with 3 different fonts on switch.

caption font color

Color of the caption font.

Example on switch.

caption font italic

Italic style for caption font.

Example on switch.

caption font bold

Bold style for caption font.

Example on switch.

caption font underline

Underline style for the caption font.

Example on switch.

drag & drop

drag enabled

Enables the drag on this control.

allow drop

Enables or disables the drag&drop possibilities on this control.

drop file name

Name of the dropped file.

clear drop file name

Clears the latest dropped file name.


frames count

Number of frames in the background bitmap. See create your own knobs and faders.

frames alignment

Determines if the frames used in the background bitmap are aligned vertically or horizontally. See create your own knobs and faders.


edition enabled

Determines if the control can be modified by the user. When OFF, the mouse interaction and modifications are disabled so the user can't change the value.

is visible

Sets or get the visibility of the control.

global color

Global color of the control. Usine will choose the best contrasted colors according the global color.

ignored in parent global color

When ON the global color of the control is not affected (is isolated) when the parent control global color changes.

on top

Determines the Z-order of the control

  • normal: the Z-order is the control creation order
  • on top: the control appears always on top of all other controls
  • backward: the control appears always behind all other controls

Example with the first knob on top.


Opacity value of the control.

0 will give a totally transparent control so invisible.

blur softness

Blur amount applied to the object.

Example of blur.

Be careful, the blur softness use shaders which are not supported by all graphic cards.
It can crash Usine.


show info

Opens the web browser to display information's or help about the selected object, if it exists.

For more details about information/help creation, see create-help-file.


visible only in god mode, see setup-panel-tab-expert.

unique ID

Current private id for this control.

recreate ID

If you experience difficulties in Polyphonic mode, try to recreate new id(s) with this button.

repair ID s

Each Patch shared on the local network uses its own ID (identification number). If you experience issues of Patches that don't send information to the good target, this button will rebuild all these id's.



Determines where the object is visible.

  • invisible: the object is invisible.
  • ctrl panel: in the control-panel.
  • parent ctrl panel: in the control-panel of the parent patch if it exists.
  • top ctrl panel : in the control-panel of the top parent patch (main patch) if it exists.
  • container : in the container of the current patch.
  • parent container : in the container of the parent patch of the current patch.
  • top parent container: in the container of the top parent patch of the current patch.
  • pop up window: visible in the popup.
  • top header: visible in the top top-header-panel.
  • toolbox: visible in the toolbox-panel.
  • workspace: visible in the workspace-panel.

When the location is set to a container which doesn't exist in the patch, Usine try to find in parent patches, the first container available. If no container is available an error message is displayed.

also visible in IB

When ON, will also be visible in the interface-builder-panel.


mouse dwn

Gives the mouse state of the control:

  • 1 if the mouse is pressed
  • 0 otherwise.

In multi-touch environment, can be an array of [0..1] values.

mouse wheel

Gives the mouse wheel speed and direction, -1,-2,-3,...=forward, 1,2,3,...=backward.

mouse wheel enabled

Enables or disable the mouse wheel action.

dbl click

Sends a 1 value if the user has [dbl-clicked] on the control.

mouse active

Determines if the mouse is active on the control.

mouse y

Gives the mouse X position on the control in relative coordinates from 0=most-left to 1=most-right.

In multi-touch environment, can be an array of [0..1] values.

mouse x

Gives the mouse Y position on the control in relative coordinates form 0=top to 1=bottom.

In multi-touch environment, can be an array of [0..1] values.

touch pressure

Pressure value on touch-screens.

The pressure value is not available on all touch screens.


Gesture information's.

In touch and multi-touch environment, returns an array of the fingers movements See multi-touch

auto reset

When ON, the value of the control is reset automatically on mouse up.

vertical mouse

When ON, move up-down to rotate a knob, left-right when OFF.

mouse over

Sends a 1 value when the control is hovered with the mouse.

mouse over

Sends 1 when the control is mouse overed.


Sends 1 when the control is selected.


auto record on click

When ON, the automation recording starts automatically when click on the control.

delete curve

Deletes the automation curve.

is playing record

Sends 1 value when the control is playing a recorded automation curve.


clear all learn

Clear all the remotes assignations.


Inverse the values received during the learn.


Quantization applied when state or value changes.

  • no quantization,
  • cycle,
  • Bar,
  • beat,
  • 1/8,
  • 1/16.

active mode

Determines when the remote assignations are active.

  • always
  • if rack is ON
  • if rack is selected
  • if patch is ON
  • if patch is selected


clear binds

Clear the current bind assignation.


Set or get the bind name assignation.


start midi learn

Click on this button and move your MIDI controller to assign it.

device name

Name of the device associated to the MIDI learn.

Use [Ctrl+Click] to delete the name association so the MIDI learn will react with all the connected devices.


MIDI channel used for the MIDI learn.

control num

MIDI Control message number (ie. Control Change, Note, etc) used for MIDI learn.

control type

MIDI message type used for the MIDI learn.

  • None,
  • NOTE ON,


Choose between the 3 MIDI assignation modes in Usine.

  • Absolute The controller sends a MIDI message with a value between 0 and 127 (typically rotary knob, fader). If you create a MIDIlearn NOTE ON on a switch, the value is set to 1 while the key is pressed and set to 0 when released. If you create a keylearn on a switch, the value is set to 1 while the key is pressed and set to 0 when released.
  • Relative The controller sends a MIDI message with a positive value when you turn right and negative when left (typically endless knobs)
  • Toggle The control toggles its minimum / maximum value each time it receives the learned code. Typically, if you want to assign a MIDI NOTE ON message, to an on/off parameter, for example, start playing a wave file while playing a MIDI keyboard note, you can toggle it on or off, when the same note is played again. On List box or integer faders, the Toggle mode increases the current value until the maximum is reached. Then restarts from the minimum value.

mackie control mode

The control react as a in the Mackie control protocol.


Only if you have motorized MIDI controllers connected. Force Usine to send MIDI messages to the connected remote devices and get a MIDI feedback.

soft take over

Soft Take Over if a control is moved on screen and it no longer matches the hardware control, the control will not update until the hardware control matches the onscreen value.

For instance say you have a line fader turned all the way up on the hardware, then you move the onscreen line fader to the bottom. With soft-takeover ON, the onscreen fader will not react to the line fader until you move the line fader all the way down to match the on screen value. The control will then latch on and will be active again.


System exclusive chain used for MIDI learn.


start key learn

Click on this button and press a key (or a key combination ie. [ALT+E]) on your keyboard to assign it.


Key used for the key learn. Can be a key combination like [ALT+E], etc.

key mode

Determines how the Key learn affect the control, absolute or toggle.


Key code value of the key learn.(ex: A=65)



Curve type used for the mapping, log or exp, power curve, linear.


Mapping curve coefficient.

range max

Maximum range of the assignation.

range min

Minimum range of the assignation.


start OSC learn

Click on this button and use a control of your OSC device to assign it.

OSC message

OSC message used for the OSC-learn.

OSC mode

Choose here between 2 modes, real OSC values received or force the values into the [0..1] range.

OSC tag order

This option is utilized to choose which tag to use when receiving multiple values simultaneously like in an XY values.


time code OFF

Time code learn, used to switch off a switch control.

time code ON

Time code learn, used to trig an action or to switch on a switch control.



Name(s) of sources VCA's. One control can be controlled by several VCA at the same time so the VCA values are multiplied together.
To enter several names use comma separated string like VCA1,VCA2,VCA3.
See use-vca for more info.


cluster name

Name(s) of the owner cluster(s). One control can be in many clusters at the same time, but be aware that you could have conflicts (different value sent at the same time).
To enter several names use comma separated string like CLUSTER1,CLUSTER2,CLUSTER3.
See use-clusters for more info.


DMX universe

Universe number assigned for remote.

DMX channel

Channel number assigned for remote.

Size, positions


Top position of the control in pixels.


Left position of the control in pixels.


Height of the control in pixels.


Width of the control in pixels.

position x

Horizontal position in % [0..1] relative to the parent panel.

position y

Vertical position in % [0..1] relative to the parent panel.


Height in % [0..1] relative to the parent panel.


Width in % [0..1] relative to the parent panel.

IB top

Top position in pixels in the interface-builder-panel.

IB left

Left position in pixels in the interface-builder-panel.

IB width

Width in pixels in the interface-builder-panel.

IB height

Height in pixels in the interface-builder-panel.

rotation angle

Rotation angle of the control.


Rotates this control in vertical position.

zoom scale

Zoom scale of the control.

can zoom

Determines is the control can be zoomed with the wheel mouse.

resize grip enabled

Determines if the control can be resized with the resize grip.


Determines if the control is minimized or not.

floating x

Determines if the control is movable on X axis.

floating y

Determines if the control is movable on Y axis.

floating content parent x

When ON the control stays inside the parent on X axis.

floating content parent y

When ON the control stays inside the parent on Y axis.

TpgControl_Button.floating content parent y

resizable left

Determines if the control can be resized on its left hand.

resizable right

Determines if the control can be resized on its right hand.

resizable top

Determines if the control can be resized on its top hand.

resizable bottom

Determines if the control can be resized on its bottom hand.


physics enabled

Enables physics-engine in this panel.

physics speed

The physics speed of the control in physics-engine.

init with random speed

When ON, the physics-engine starts with a random speed for each child controls.

same masses

When ON, all controls have the same masses in the physics-engine.

ignored in physical engine

The position control is not affected by the physics-engine.


Friction factor in the physics-engine.


Energy conservation coefficient on collision.

gravity x

Gravity factor on the X axis.

gravity y

Gravity factor on the Y axis.

reset pos x

Position of the object when the physics engine is reset on X axis.

reset pos y

Position of the object when the physics engine is reset on Y axis.

angular speed

Angular speed of the control in the physical engine.


Sends a 1 value when the control collides with another control or a border.

collide info

Gives information about the collide state in the physics-engine.

  • 1001: top of the parent,
  • 1002: right side of the parent,
  • 1003: left side of the parent,
  • 1004: bottom of the parent.

speed x

Speed vector value on the X axis in the physics-engine.

speed y

Speed vector value on the Y axis in the physics-engine.


auto reorganize

Automatically reorganize positions of controls in the panel.

reorganize margin

Left margin used in reorganization, in pixels.

reorganize interspace

Interspace between controls used in reorganization, in pixels.

auto resize

Resizes panels automatically when child controls are moved or resized. Switch it OFF if you use floating panels inside.

auto resize margin

Margin in pixel used for the auto resize option.

fit standard size

Adjust the panel width to a multiple of the default rack width.

snap to grid

In unlock mode, snap the control to a grid.

grid size

Grid size in pixels when snap to grid is ON.

touch screen

touch hi precision

Mode of the precision factor. Can be disabled or for touch screen only or always (touch screen and mouse).

precision factor

Precision factor when the control is modified with a touch screen. Hi values for hi precision on touch screen.

mouse mode

Behavior of the control when it is modified with a touch screen.

circular mouse

When ON, the mouse wheel acts in circular mode.


show value

Shows the value for this control.

Option ON and OFF on a fader.

show symbol

Shows the symbol.

show value and symbol on click

Displays the value and symbol only when selecting or interact with the mouse.

Example on a fader.

hint value on mouse down

When ON, display the hint only when the mouse is down on the control.

edit with simple click

When ON, the edition on the value is possible with a simple click, instead of a double click.

display array values

When the input of a fader is an array, displays the value as a list of array elements (ON) or only the first array value (OFF).

Option ON and OFF on a fader.

value align

Value alignment, left, center or right.

Example on a knob.

value font bold

Bold style for the value font.

Example knob.

value font color

Color of the value font.

Example with a Green and a Red value on a knob.

value font size factor

Size factor of the value font.

*Example with 2 different values on a knob.

value align

Value horizontal alignment, center, top, bottom.

value V align

Value vertical alignment, center, top, bottom.

Example on knob (Center, top and bottom)

show poly order

Show the order of a voice in a polyphonic sub-patch.


display line number

Add a line number on each element.

Example on a listbox.

hide filename ext

Hides the filename extension.

List with extension

List without extension (option ON)

hide filename path

Hides the filename path of the list items.

List with the full path

List without full path (option ON)

items size

Items size in pixels.

Example with 2 different item sizes.

Note that a scroller is added when the listbox can't display all items

and the option show scroller ON.

items font color

Color of items in the list.

Example with 2 different items color.

scroller color

Color of the scroller bar.

*yellow scroller on a listbox.

scroller width

Scrollbar width in pixels.

8 and 30 pixels scroller on a listbox.

select color

Color of the selected item.

show scroller

Displays the vertical scroller on the listbox.

Option OFF and ON.

draw mode

For combo boxes only, sets the selector layout as a triangle or an arrow.

items are images

When this option is enabled, the list is considered as images file names list and the listbox displays items as images.

auto select on drop

Determines if an item is automatically selected when it is dropped.

See also

version 5.2.221206

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