General settings

Settings options allow modifying the general MotionKit settings.

To display the settings, click on the settings icon in the homepage as described in the homepage section or in any instrument page.

Global tab

main language

Sets the language Motionkit is displayed in. Motionkit can display either English or French.

color Style

Color style of Motionkit.

global zoom scale

Allows the adjustment of zoom for the entire Motionkit interface.

Useful to adjust the interface size on tablets.

hardware acceleration

Turns on the hardware graphic acceleration . Sometime the graphic card can de in conflict with sound card drivers.

Windows only.

buffered drawing

Usine will use a 2 steps buffering for drawing. This improves the graphic performances, but decrease the render quality especially when controls are zoomed.

fast text canvas

Try to draw text faster, but takes more memory.

low graphic quality

Option to toggle in low graphic quality to increase the global performance. Low graphic quality can reduce significantly CPU load, but also reduce graphic precision.

refresh speed

Sets the global Motionkit refresh speed. For low value (5 ms) Motionkit is very reactive and the graphic display looks smooth but cost a lot of CPU.

25 ms is a good value in most situations.

max number of threads

Determines the maximum number of threads allowed in Motionkit.

Each rack is processed in a separate thread. Good values are from 16 to 32.

disk Buffer size

Disk Buffer Size of the reading audio file buffer.

A good value is around 1000ms. Increase if you use large multi-channels files.

CPU load max

Sets the CPU protection level. If the CPU Load is greater than the CPU maximum level, the audio engine stops for few seconds, to avoid hard crash of your system.

Generally 90% is a good value for a single core processor. If you don't want use this protection set the value to 100%.

Audio tab

Audio and sound cards settings.


Choose your Sound card in the available drivers list.


Choose the device for the selected driver.

nb in

Number of inputs of the selected Sound card.

nb out

Number of outputs of the selected Sound card.

sample rate

Choose the working sample rate.

Remember that 44100Hz is generally enough and CPU friendly.

buffer size

Buffer size in sample (latency).

Don’t forget that in the real world (not in the marketing one!) all drivers have 1 input and 2 output buffers. It means that to get the real latency, you always have to multiply by at least 3!

usine block size

In Motionkit (like in almost all audio softwares) the audio flow is sliced and processed by blocs. This parameter indicates the current bloc size.

input left/right

Activates Audio inputs to makes them available in Motionkit.

output left/right

Activates Audio outputs to makes them available in Motionkit.

soft Clipping

Soft Clipping limiter: prevent audio saturation of the sound card.

pre-listen volume

Gain applied when you pre-listen a sample in the samples list manager.

MIDI tab

MIDI global settings.

rescan devices

Rescan and updates the list of available MIDI devices connected to the system.

Can be used for Hot plugging MIDI devices.

reset devices

Resets all MIDI devices connected to the system (shutdown an reopen).

If a device fails to respond, this option is useful to reset the device in hopes of regaining functionality.

inputs / outputs

Shows available and connected MIDI devices. It allows you to activate devices you want to use.

For example in the picture below, the LPD8 controller is enabled and ready to use as MIDI Input.

MIDI feedback to all devices

When ON, the MIDI feedback is sent to all motorized devices, even if they are not the concerned by the MIDI learn.

send ALL NOTES OFF on stop sync

When activated, Motionkit sends the a MIDI All Note Off message when sync has stopped.

ignore active sensing messages

Some MIDI controllers send continuously active sensing messages. When ON, Motionkit filters them directly.

This way the trace panel and your MIDI devices are not polluted by this message.

Video tab

Video options of Motionkit.

video active

Activates/deactivates the video engine.

video in devices

Activates/deactivates the video inputs devices (several inputs possible). Also choose the resolution and framerate in the list of possible settings.

output format

Choose the target format of the video ie. the final display form factor like 16/9, 3/4, etc. All video player modules will automatically adapt the videos to the proportions of the final target.

If not defined is chosen, the scaling will be done at the end of the process, generally in the output video device.

video frame rate

Video engine speed in fps (frames per second). Hi values can overload CPU but improve the fluidity.

mix strategy

Determines the mix-down strategy when 2 video flow are in the same wire and have to be mixed together.

  • largest win : the smallest video is enlarged to fit to the largest video size; use more CPU.
  • smallest win : the largest video is reduced to fit to the smallest video size; use less CPU.

About Video Compression

Most of video files are compressed to keep their size on disk as small as possible. The main drawback is that it's generally impossible to play frames in a random order, especially backward (You can only play a video forward).

If you want to have a precise access to frames, convert video files into motion-JPEG with the convert video to motionJPEG tool.

convert video to images

Converts a Video file into separated images.

convert video to motion-JPEG

Convert a Video file into a motion-JPEG file. It increases the size on disk but can solve many frame to frame access issues.

video conversion compression

Compression rate used for the motion-JPEG compression. Low values for best quality, hi values for low quality.

This option is only visible in God Mode

extract audio from video

Extracts the audio flow of a video into a wav file to be able to load it into a MotionKit.

Touch tab

Touch screen configuration

Windows only.

enable touch screen

Enable/Disable the touch screen feature.

activate double click

Enable/Disable the double click feature.

trace Gestures names

Traces gesture's names (the finger movement recognition).

use virtual keyboard

Displays the virtual keyboard when text entry is needed. Useful on tablets.

Protect tab

The Protect mode is a powerful way to protect your workspaces,

protect Password

The password you want to use to activate/deactivate the protect mode.

By default the password is : protect.

hide main on-off

Hide Main ON-OFF switch of the master-panel.

hide master

Hide all the master-panel.

hide global synchro

Hide the master-synchro-panel.

hide contextual menu

Hide the contextual-menu-panel.

hide rec automation

Hide the Rec Automation icon of the main-menu-panel.

hide MIDI learn

Hide the MIDI the learn icon of the main-menu-panel.

hide zoom

Hide the zoom icon of the main-menu-panel.

hide save workspace

Hide the save workspace command.

hide setup

Hide the show setup command.

hide fullscreen

Hide the full screen button

About tab

Displays various informations about the current version of Motionkit.


Current software version number.


Motionkit's implementation use several externals software tools and libraries. Our thanks to their developers.


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