Step by step tutorial to create your own knob, faders and use them in Usine.
We use the cool freeware tool named knobman
Use the Files/Open menu and open, for example /samples/LineShadow.knob
. .knob
files are knobman files.
On the right window you can test the knob layout, and you'll see that it has 31 frames.
Now use the File/Export image file menu command, rename the knob file as you want, this will save a png file.
Add a control-knob in a patch.
In the knob settings-panel, tab design, click on image file and load the png file saved above.
Set frames count to 31, and frame alignment=vertical.
Disable show knob, show caption. and choose V align to bottom for the value
In the settings-panel, clicks on the snapshot icon and choose a name. Now you can see this snapshot when you edit the layout of a knob. You only have to click on this snapshot to assign this layout to your current knob
version 6.0.241021
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