Global-array concept very helpful in complex workspaces environnements. It provides an efficient way to share global values (data, color, string) inside a workspace or the network. The main advantages are:
To use global array, the first thing is to create global-array module of the data type you want (data, color, string).
example of a global-array module
Then set a name for the global-array, in this example we use MY-GLOBAL-ARRAY-NAME
example of MY-GLOBAL-ARRAY-NAME global-array
A complete set of modules is available to set or get values of global-arrays.
To set one value of a global-array at an index position you can use one of the following module:
To get one value of a global-array at an index position you can use one of the following module:
get or set the one value
To set all values of a global array you can use one of the following module:
To get all values of a global array you can use one of the following module:
get or set the all values
All global array values can be saved to a file or loaded from a file with the module:
load or save global arrays
Global array values can be shared to connected computers.
The first thing to do is to activate the share active and send global arrays options in the setup-panel-tab-networksetup-panel-tab-network.
share setup
Then on each global-array module, you can define more precisely if the global array is sent and/or received and the transfer speed. The resend to network button forces the module to resend all its values to all connected computers.
share setup
The module global-array-data-osc can be used to send or receive automatically OSC messages for the global array.
It can be hard to debug global arrays. The the inspector-panel is a special tools which can help you to find and inspect global arrays in your workspace.
version 6.0.240801
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