Allows to select various files and create a comma-text with all selected files names.
Note: Typically, the file list can be a set a audio files to create Note: a sound bank and connect the comma-text output to a list comma text Note: of a sampler module.
Shows the files list.
File type to select:
Current number of the selected file.
Selects the next file in the list.
Selects the previous file in the list.
Random selection of a file in the list.
Current selected file as text.
Current selected file as a short file name text (without path).
List of all the files as comma-text.
Gives the number of files in the list or the comma-text.
Determines if parameters of this object are saved in the preset-panel.
Parameters of the this object can cross faded when you recall a preset in the grid. Note: Optional setting, does not appear on all objects.
When ON, this object will be randomized when using the randomize command.
version 6.0.240801
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