Real time granulation effect with filter and random delay.

Several jitter parameters and a random delay are also useful to create interesting effects.

It contains a grain generator, followed by a filter and finally a random delay.


Grain Generator


Pitch transposition value (in half-tone).

jitter pitch

Amount of Pitch randomization.

grain size

Size of grains.

jitter size

Amount of grain size randomization.


Density of the grain cloud.

jitter interval

Amount of density randomization.

grain presets

When this parameter is ON a XY Panel appears, allowing you to quickly change the grain settings.

Also you can use 2 modes to modify the output sound :

  • manual : you can move the XY Panel through different presets
  • physics : activate the physic engine on the XY Panel

grain envelop

Type of envelope for grains, used in conjunction with env var inlet.

  • Linear ASR,
  • Bezier,
  • Cosine Bell,
  • Hanning,
  • Gaussian.

Filter section


Activates the filter section.


Filter band width and resonance: small values for large band, high values for narrow band.


  • Low pass: only passes low and filters high frequencies.
  • High pass: only passes high and filters low frequencies.
  • Band pass: only passes the frequency band.
  • Low shelf: low shelving filter, boost or cut low frequencies.
  • High shelf: high shelving filter, boost or cut high frequencies.
  • Peaking: peak shelving filter, boost or cut a frequency band.

freq min

Frequency minimum range.

freq max

Frequency maximum range.

Random Delay Section


Maximum delay duration of the random generator.


Random speediness.


Amount of feedback.

stereo width

Stereo field enlargement. Produces an "out of phase" effect.

See also

version 6.0.240115

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